If you were previously following this blog, you may have noticed a little shift. Today, I'd like to share with you the back story.... and hopefully give you little bit of insight about what's to come! I'm really excited, and I hope you'll be as well!
This blog originally started as a stepping stone toward one of my bigger blogs (CourtneyDimmitt.com). Now, that blog doesn't exist anymore, but the true *first* blog goes back even further. I started my very first blog way back in 2007, and it was called Polka Dotted Pre-K. In my teacher life, that was one of my favorite seasons. Fast forward 12 years, and you'll see that my blogging life has taken any number of twists, turns, jumps, and dips. Over the years I have been a teacher blogger, mommy blogger, book blogger, cooking blogger (yikes), homemaking blogger, kidmin blogger, and faith blogger. And yet here I go again.
You see, over the past two years, God has been taking me on a journey. It's been a complete overhaul, really. He has been slowly teaching me to see what it really means to live in obedience as a child of God. He has taught me many, many lessons over these past few years. Some of which were very painful. Over time, I may share more about what that looked like. But for today, I want to share with you where I am now, and what's to come.
I know for sure that I do not have all the answers. I know that the full plan for my life has not yet been revealed. What I do know, is that right now, in this season, God has called me to be a wife and mom. My ministry is primarily within my home. I have been in the process of launching some new ventures, but my role within the home will absolutely be the priority. Will I be a "work-at-home mom" forever? I can't say. I can say that this is my current season, and I'm pretty thrilled.
After my role as wife and mom, I wear a few other hats.
*online ESL teacher
*teacher author on Teachers Pay Teachers
*face behind Self-Care Simply
*Walk-at-Home fanatic
*Avon representative
*advocate of raising readers
*church small group leader
*mommy group organizer
With this blog, I hope to share more about each of these! I would love for you to join me in the process. Stay tuned!
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