Monday, April 16, 2018

Menu Plan Monday ~ 4/16/18

Hey, hey friends!  So today I am bringing you one of my favorite ways to serve my family ... food!  I LOVE planning menus, grocery shopping, and preparing meals each night.  I firmly believe that family time spent around a dinner table is some of the most connecting time there is.  We all have busy schedules and sometimes it's hard to make time to spend as a whole family. 

Menu Plan Monday  ~ A real menu from a real mom for real families

For our family, my husband and I decided that dinner time is non-negotiable.  That's not to say that we don't have nights where one person is gone, but we make an intentional effort to keep those nights as few and far between as possible.  When we are all at home, dinner together is a thing.  We all eat dinner sitting at the table together and enjoying conversation.  

It should also be noted that I am NOT a food blogger.  You will not find posts with beautiful food photography and perfectly plated dinners.  I do not create these recipes on my own.  I am a big nerd and have a process for how we work through recipes... I am not a chef.  I simply love to serve my family through intentional preparation.  My process is another blog post in and of itself, but for now, I'll let you know that we cook through a cookbook each year, so many of my recipes come from that.  I also go back and try "in progress" recipes that we liked, but weren't quite perfect for our family.  I also have a few tried and true favorites that I don't remember where they came from!  

With all that said, here's what's on the menu this week!  I'll try to link to the cookbook or blog where the recipes can be found!  And just an FYI, some links may be affiliate links.

Chili-Rubbed Steak
Barbecue Onions
Scalloped Potatoes

Tuna with Asian Flavors
(The original recipe is swordfish, but we switched it to grilled tuna steaks)
Fried Rice
Stir-Fry Veggies

Frozen Casserole
(Tuesday is my Bible Study night with my women's group.  The boys sometimes go grab something, but generally prefer something they can just pull from the freezer)

Tokyo Bowls

Chick-Fil-A Night!

Chicken Alfredo Rollups
Green Salad

Teriyaki Chicken
Asian Rainbow Salad
Brown Rice
(The chicken is just marinated in a teriyaki sauce, but the salad comes from Forks Over Knives Family)

So there you have it!  What's on your menu this week?

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